Office for People with Developmental Disabilities




      Diagnosis of a developmental disability (speech impediments, learning disability, ADHD and psychiatric disorders do NOT qualify)

      Developmental disability diagnosis manifests itself prior to the age of 22

       It is long-term/permanent

        It is posing substantial adaptive functional deficits



      General medical assessment (physical examination form, less than a year from date of exam)

      Psychosocial evaluation/updated social history report (less than a year)

      Psychological/psycho-educational/neuropsychological evaluation report with a developmental background, IQ testing, adaptive behavior scale (either the ABAS-3 or VABS-3)

      For diagnosis other than intellectual disability. A medical or specialty report that includes health status and diagnostic findings to support the qualifying diagnosis, e.g., for autism spectrum disorder either the ADOS-2 or the ADI-R (CARS is not valid).


Process can take about a year to 15 months from the beginning of the process until services launch.

      First step is to call the Front Door unit at the Long Island DDRO who will enter the client into their system and provide them with a TABS number

      Front Door Phone Number: 866-946-9733

      Then, the client should participate in a Front Door information session to learn more about the system.

      Website with dates for Front Door Information Sessions:

OPWDD - Front Door

      Then, the client should call either a Care Coordination Organization (CCO) or a Non-Medicaid Services Coordinator who will run an intake and a contract has to be signed. Question: what is the difference btw a CCO and a Non Medicaid Service Coordinator

      The NMSC or the CCO intake specialist will help the family gather all necessary documentation and will submit the packet to the eligibility unit.

      Once a notice of decision is made (which takes about 90 days), a letter will be sent to the family.

      The Front Door liaison will conduct a DDP-2 (developmental disability profile) assessment over the phone, and will schedule either a CAS or a CNS assessment.

      When that is accomplished, the liaison will issue a level of care form to the CCO or NMSC, and they will start working on submitting the HCBS Waiver application to the waiver unit.

      If the waiver is approved, the CCO (but then the client is assigned with a care manager), or the NMSC will submit the Medicaid application.

      When approved, the client can’t keep working with a NMSC only with the CCO. They will now have to choose a traditional service model, or a self-direction model.

      If Self-direction, they will have to find a family support broker and a fiscal intermediary who will process reimbursements for services and will hire and pay staff for the client.


 Family Support Services

      Family reimbursement (up to $1000 a year)

      School recess respite program

      Afterschool programs

      End of summer respite program

      Behavior management

      Short-term skills training

      Parent training

      Crisis intervention

Medicaid Waiver Services

      Community habilitation


      Day Habilitation

      Supportive employment

      Individualized Residential Alternatives (IRAs)

      Self-direction service modality (for families who are looking for more inclusive settings/opportunities)

      NYSTART/CSIDD (for behavior management and support)